Norma Gotwalt Scholarship

Scholarship Description

The Norma Gotwalt Scholarship Fund is an endowment of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities. This
scholarship will be awarded to one female studying elementary education and entering her senior year at Penn State
Harrisburg. This scholarship fund was established in honor of two of Ms. Gotwalt’s colleagues in the field of
education: Dr. William Henk and Dr. Steven Melnick. This $3,000 scholarship must be used for tuition, fees, or books
and is contingent upon a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 while attending Penn State Harrisburg.

Eligibility Criteria:
1. Must be a female elementary education student entering her senior year at Penn State Harrisburg
2. Must maintain a cumulative 3.25 GPA in her time at Penn State Harrisburg
3. Community service
4. Financial need

Year of Need: College Senior,

Type: Needs Based

Num Awards: 1

Min Award: 3,000

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
200 North Third Street P.O. Box 678
Harrisburg, PA 17108-0678

Contact Person: Allison Moesta, Program Officer for Educational Enhancement

Phone: 717-236-5040

Fax: 717-231-4463


