Foundation for College Christian Leaders Scholarship

Scholarship Description

Guidelines: The following are the minimum guidelines that must be met before a candidate will be considered for scholarship:  1. Christian testimony, and verifiable Christian leadership.  2. Entering undergraduate studies, or currently attempting to attain a degree. (Occasionally, we assist graduate level students who meet all other criteria).  3. 3.0 G.P.A. or better.  4. Financial need. Combined income of parents and student is below $60,000. Foundation students natural and step parent’s incomes are included in that income ceiling.  5. Primary residence or attending college must be in California, Oregon, or Washington.(Please note, Guideline #5 is due in part to a decline in our investment portfolio and also a desire on the part of the Board to interview applicants and to have more personal contact with recipients.)

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, College 5th Year, 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad, 3rd Year Grad, Beyond 3rd Year Grad,

Type: Needs Based

Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-05-08


Sponsoring Organization Foundation for College Christian Leaders
2658 Del Mar Heights Road, PMB #266
Del Mar, CA 92014

Contact Person:

Phone: 858-481-0848



