Scholarship Description
Recipients must be members, children or grandchildren of members of the Order of the Eastern Star or Masonic fraternity in Kansas. Awarded to juniors to be used during their senior year at FHSU. Must have high scholastic standing and excellent character. Applications must be received by June 15th. For application information contact: Grand Secretary, Grand Chapter of Kansas, O.E.S., 3400 SW VanBuren, Topeka, KS 66611.
Year of Need: College Senior,
Type: Merit Based
Num Awards: Multiple
Min Award:
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-06-15
Sponsoring Organization
Fort Hays State University
Scholarship Services, Custer Hall 600 Park St.
Hays, KS 67601-4099
Contact Person:
Phone: 785-628-4419 or 800-628-3478
Fax: 785-628-4014