Scholarship Description
Scholarships are awarded in the following areas of study: Chemistry, Pre-Dental, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Osteopathy, Pre-Pharmacy, and Pre-Optometry. Applicants may submit a supporting letter from a science teacher (preferably the chemistry teacher). This letter is to be submitted to the Chemistry department. Also, the applicants may submit a short statement outlining their academic plans and career goals. These awards are for incoming freshmen only.
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, College 5th Year,
Type: Merit Based
Num Awards: Multiple
Min Award:
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-02-15
Sponsoring Organization
Fort Hays State University
Scholarship Services, Custer Hall 600 Park St.
Hays, KS 67601-4099
Contact Person:
Phone: 785-628-4419 or 800-628-3478
Fax: 785-628-4014