Betty Hansen Continuing Education Grant

Scholarship Description

Applicants must:  1. Be a Danish Sisterhood member in good standing with the sponsoring lodge.  Must be a member for a minimum of one year prior to application deadline.  2. OR be the daughter or son of a Danish Sisterhood Member as listed in requirement 1.  3. Scholarships are awarded for study commencing in the fall of the current year.  4. Be enrolled less than a full time student.    a. At an educational, accredited, approved school.    b. In a course, workshop, seminar, language class relating to the       Danish culture or heritage.  5. A grade point average is not required.  6. Continuing Education Grants are awarded for courses of study, which begin in September of the current year and end prior to August 31 of the following year.  (First grant beginning through January and second grant February through August.)  Note: If course has already been completed, reimbursement for the actual cost will be made.

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,


Num Awards: Up to 10

Min Award: 500

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-01-30


Sponsoring Organization Danish Sisterhood of America
7326 Leigh Court
Zephyrhills, FL 335401014

Contact Person: National Vice President/Scholarship Chairman




