Scholarship Description
The awards are highly competitive. Any college senior who expects a degree or any college graduate who is a citizen or permanent resident in the United States may apply, as long as he or she is not and has not been enrolled in any graduate program leading to a Ph.D. degree. Applicants must be applying to a program leading to the Ph.D in a humanistic field. Eligible fields of study include: art history, classics, comparative literature, critical theory, cultural anthropology, cultural studies, English literature, ethnic studies, ethnomusicology, foreign language & literature, history, history & philosophy of mathematics, history & philosophy of science, humanities, interdisciplinary studies, cultural linguistics, music history & theory, philosophy, political philosophy, political theory, religion, rhetoric, women’s studies. Minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply. Previously unsuccessful fellowship candidates may reapply. The prime objective of the Mellon Fellowships is to identify and encourage persons who are committed to teaching and have a broad vision of learning. High grade-point averages and high GRE scores are important but not the only measures of the excellence sought. Outstanding future promise, as attested to by faculty members, will be considered critical. The statement of interest in the field will also be read with great care, and candidates will be will advised to spend the time necessary to explain in this document their intellectual interests, hopes, and plans for the future. A writing sample of no more than seven pages is required. THE AWARDS: Eighty-five entry-level, one-year, portable merit fellowships will be awarded in the competition. Students should note that fellowships are for the first year of a Ph.D. program only and should plan to seek support elsewhere for subsequent years. Graduate schools are aware of the situation and can be expected to consider university support in the second and following years for those Mellon Fellows who have done well. Winners of Mellon Fellowships may take their awards to any accredited graduate school of arts and sciences in the United States and Canada. Each candidate is expected to apply to graduate school, in accordance with normal procedures, for admission to a program leading not only to the M.A. but also to the Ph.D. degree. Payment of the stipend will be made in two installments, the first in September, the second in January. Mellon Fellows are expected to carry a full course load. They may not accept supplementary awards or teaching assistantships during the nine-month academic year of the fellowship.
Year of Need: 1st Year Grad,
Num Awards: 85
Min Award: 17500
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-12-08
Sponsoring Organization
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
CN 5329
Princeton, NJ 85435329
Contact Person:
Phone: 609-452-7007
Fax: 609-452-0066