Nadona/LTC Upward Bound Scholarship

Scholarship Description

To be eligible, the candidate must be a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse, or a certified nursing assistant (evidence of licensure or certification must accompany the application) and be currently accepted or enrolled in 1 of the following programs: 1) an L.P.N. program; 2) an accredited R.N. program or undergraduate health care management program; 3) a baccalaureate or master’s degree program in nursing or gerontology; 4) an undergraduate or graduate program in health care management.  Candidates must be currently employed in long-term (for at least 1 year) and plan to remain employed in that field for at least 2 years after graduation.  They must be members of National Associaton of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care (NADONA/LTC) or sponsored by a member.

Year of Need: College Junior, College Senior, College 5th Year, 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad,


Num Awards: Varies

Min Award: Notspecified

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-03-01


Sponsoring Organization NADONA/LTC
10999 Reed Hartman Highway Suite 233
Cincinnati, OH 452428301

Contact Person: Education/Scholarship Committee

Phone: 800-222-0539

Fax: 513-791-3699


