Scholarship Description
Open to United States citizens who are members of one or more of the following ethnic minority groups: Alaskan Natives (Eskimo or Aleut), Native Americans, Black/African Americans, Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos, Native Pacific Islanders (Polynesian or Micronesian), and Puerto Ricans. Dissertation Fellowship support is intended for the final year of dissertation writing. Applicants must have completed all requirements for their degree except for the writing of the dissertation including course work, examinations, language requirements, approval of the dissertation proposal/topic, and any other departmental and institutional requirements. Advisors must submit a valid Verification of Doctoral Degree Candidacy by February 14 to confirm that all such degree requirements have been met by that date. Awards not made for work leading to degrees in practice-based disciplines such as education, business, administration, management, health sciences, nursing, home economics, library science, speech pathology, audiology, personnel, guidance, social work, fine arts, or performing arts.
Year of Need: 2nd Year Grad, 3rd Year Grad,
Num Awards: 29
Min Award: 21500
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-11-14
Sponsoring Organization
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, DC 20418
Contact Person: Fellowship Office/FF
Phone: 202-334-2872
Fax: 202-334-3419