Scholarship Description
The Falcon Foundation acquires funds necessary to implement the scholarship program from public donations and a scholarship endowment. The number of scholarships awarded annually is set by the USAFA Admissions Office and is up to 100. Contributions and donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to the donor and tax exempt to the Foundation. Each scholarship is dedicated in honor of a pioneer in aviation or an individual who is distinguished in aviation or defense.
The Falcon Foundation makes annual cash grants for scholarships to several schools in various parts of the nation. Each scholarship award provides a portion of the cost of room, board and tuition. Scholarship recipients must pay for transportation to and from school and for clothing, laundry, other personal expenses and their proportionate share of the tuition, fees and books.
Young people are automatically eligible for a Falcon Scholarship by first applying to USAFA. The USAFA Office of Admissions then identifies potential recipients of the Falcon Foundation scholarship from a pool of direct entry applicants who are qualified, but not competitive for entering the next class at USAFA. Those applicants who are deemed qualified but not competitive are rank ordered and contacted for consideration of a Falcon Foundation Scholarship.
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,
Num Awards: 100
Min Award:
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
Falcon Foundation
3116 Academy Drive Suite 200
USAF Academy, CO 80840-4400
Contact Person: Scholarship Committee
Phone: 719-333-4096
Fax: 719-333-3669