ACI Foundation Richard D. Stehly Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Description

Candidates completing studies for their bachelors degree from an accredited program may apply for this award. Based on essays, submitted data, and recommendations, the Scholarship Council of the ACl Foundation, a subsidiary of ACI, selects a scholarship recipient who appears to have the strongest combination of interest and potential for professional success in the concrete industry.

This undergraduate scholarship consists of a cash stipend of $3000 (U.S.) for a 1 year period. The stipend will be sent to the financial aid office of the institution designated by the applicant where the study program will be pursued. These funds will then be deposited into the recipient’s university account.

Requirements and Directions
At the time of applying for and receiving the scholarship, the applicant shall be enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program from an institution of higher education that is accredited by the responsible regional or national agency.
The undergraduate study program shall be in the area of concrete with an emphasis on structural design, materials, construction, or any combination thereof.
Applicants must be full-time undergraduates at the time of applying for and receiving the scholarship. Course work during a summer session will count toward the degree year. Applications will be accepted from anywhere in the world but the undergraduate program must be ABET-accredited or a mutually recognized program by ABET.
List of approved programs.
For your application packet to be considered for this award, each of the following pieces of information must be submitted by the deadline indicated:
Completed typed application form (handwritten applications will not be accepted)
One-page resume (anything more than one page will not be accepted)
Essay (1 ½ page limit, 750 word maximum.) Name must appear on first page. Half a page of your essay must describe your personal activities to promote sustainability in your community.
Two (2) completed online reference forms.
All undergraduate transcripts (all universities attended during all undergraduate studies to present date) are required.

Year of Need: College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,


Num Awards: 1

Min Award: 3,000

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization ACI Foundation
Attn: Scholarship Coordinator 38800 Country Club Drive
Farmington Hills, MI 48331

Contact Person: Scholarship Coordinator




