Scholarship Description
The fund was established by contributions from American Legion Commanders, Posts, and individual members. The income from this fund has been used to provide annual scholarships to students of the University of Nebraska enrolled in the Army, Air Force and Naval Science courses at the University. ROTC recipients must show qualities of leadership and aptitude for military or naval science, have satisfactory scholastic record and be deemed worthy of financial assistance. In 1972, provisions of the scholarship were amended to accept applications from honorably discharged veterans of the armed services. Veterans must be enrolled as full-time students at the University of Nebraska, and also have a satisfactory scholastic record and be deemed worthy of financial assistance. Re-application is allowed, including previous recipients and those enrolled in postgraduate study. Recipients of the scholarship are selected by the Executive Committee of the Nebraska American Legion.
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, College 5th Year, 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad,
Num Awards: Multiple
Min Award: 500
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-03-01
Sponsoring Organization
The American Legion
Department of Nebraska P.O. Box 5205
Lincoln, NE 685050205
Contact Person: Executive Committee
Phone: 402-464-6338
Fax: 402-464-6330