Scholarship Description
Program Overview:
Created by the Mississippi Legislature this program is designed to provide financial aid assistance to Mississippi residents attending state approved public and nonprofit two-year and four-year eligible colleges and universities. The primary objective of the MESG is to provide educational opportunities for students who wish to pursue post secondary education in the state.
Important Dates:
Application Dates: January 1 – September 15
Supporting Documents Deadline: October 15
Eligibility Requirements for Entering Freshmen:
Be a legal resident of the State of Mississippi for one year prior to high school or Home School completion
Have a high school cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 on a 4.0 scale (Home School applicants must provide official transcript of 9th through 12th grades.)
Have scored a minimum of a 29 on the National ACT or minimum score of 1290 on the SAT or National Merit or National Achievement Finalist or Semi-Finalist
Be accepted and enrolled full-time at an approved postsecondary institution in Mississippi
Must be pursuing first certificate, first associate or first bachelors degree
Eligibility Requirements for Students Currently Enrolled in College:
Meet all the eligibility requirements of the entering freshman
Have a minimum of a 3.50 cumulative college grade point average
Attend an approved postsecondary institution in Mississippi
Enroll and complete full-time enrollment each semester. Full-time enrollment is 12 hours per semester or 9 hours per trimester. NOTE: Only courses classified as “undergraduate” courses by the institution, will be counted towards the total number of hours needed to qualify as a full-time undergraduate student. Hours taken in graduate level courses cannot be counted towards undergraduate enrollment. Courses must be term-bound. Some correspondence and independent study courses may not be accepted.
Must be pursuing first certificate, first associate or first bachelors degree
Award Amount:
MESG awards may be up to $2,500.00 per academic year, but may not exceed tuition and required fees.
Maximum Length of Eligibility:
A recipient may receive this grant up to 8 semesters (12 trimesters) or degree completion which ever comes first.
See website for more information.
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,
Num Awards: Varies
Min Award:
Max Award: 2500
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
Mississippi Office of State Student Financial Aid
3825 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, MS 39211-6453
Contact Person: Financial Aid Office
Phone: 601-432-6997 / 800-327-2980