Scholarship Description
One or more fellowships will be awarded for an academic year (nine or ten months) in residence at the Society’s library. Scholars who are no more than three years beyond receipt of the doctorate are eligible to apply. The purpose of the fellowships is to provide the recipient with time and resources to extend research and/or to revise the dissertation for publication. Any topic relevant to the Society’s library collections and programmatic scope - that is, American history and culture through 1876 - is eligible. Applicants may come from such fields as history, music history, and other relating to America in the period of the Society’s coverage. The fellow is obliged to give first refusal on the resulting manuscript to a new book series published jointly by Cambridge University Press and AAS.
Year of Need:
Num Awards: Varies
Min Award:
Max Award: 35000
Deadline: 2025-10-15
Sponsoring Organization
American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 16091634
Contact Person: Mellon Post-Dissertation Fellowships
Phone: 508-755-5221
Fax: 508-754-9069