Otological Research Fellowship

Scholarship Description

The Deafness Research Foundation’s Otological Research Fellowship will be sponsored by a Department of Otolaryngology conducting otological research.  Where a unique opportunity exists in a related discipline, the fellowship may be conducted in that discipline while maintaining liaison with the Department of Otolaryngology.  Examples of such related disciplines might include Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology or Basic Immunology.  The Fellowship would be for a period of one year and be funded in the amount of $11,500, plus up to $3,500 for animals and consumable supplies.  The Fellowship would be scheduled as a one-year block of time at the end of the third year of medical school - thus requiring a one-year leave of absence from the medical school curriculum and assurance that the student will have a place in the fourth-year class at the conclusion of the year of research.

Year of Need: 3rd Year Grad, Beyond 3rd Year Grad,


Num Awards: Varies

Min Award: 15000

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-11-01


Sponsoring Organization Deafness Research Foundation
1050 17th Street, NW Suite 701
Washington, DC 20036

Contact Person: Fellowship Committee

Phone: 202-289-5850

Fax: 202-682-0356


