Scholarship Description
In the granting of scholarships, preference shall be given to residents of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Applicants should reside or have resided in the northeast region of Pennsylvania and be a citizen of the United States.
Grants are made without distinction as to race, color, creed, or sex. The applicant need not be a graduate student, nor formally trained in any academic or professional program. The applicant must show that the scholarship will aid them in their development into professional artists. The granting of the award and the amount awarded is a matter of discretion of the Grant Selection Committee.
Applicant must furnish the Selection Committee with proof of exceptional ability in his or her chosen field and give evidence that this chosen field is intended to be his or her life’s work. This ability must be demonstrated through a selection process which is initiated by completing an official application form. The application form must be supported by letters of recommendation from recognized artists, experts or judges in the pertinent field. Additionally, the application requires a detailed proposal for the use of the grant including a projected budget.
The recipient may use the award only to finance an individual program or proposal which has had prior approval by the Selection Committee and the Board of Trustees of The Waverly Community House, Inc. The grant, awarded annually, is in the sum of up to $12,000. The proceeds of this grant represent taxable income in accordance with the Internal Revenue Service Code Section I 17, as amended. The grantor will file the necessary reports with the IRS concerning the award. The recipient is required to make two progress reports to the Administrative Chairperson. These reports are then presented to the Board of Trustees of The Waverly Community House. Failure to comply with these reports may result in the termination of the grant. There is no requirement that the award be made if in the judgment of the Selection Committee there is no qualified candidate.
Completed applications and proposals must be in the office of the Waverly Community House, Inc. on or before December 15th of each year. If the 15th falls on a Saturday or Sunday the applications must be postmarked on or before the 15th. All applicants will be informed within 90 days as to whether or not they have qualified as finalists. All finalists must appear in person before the Selection Committee for a final presentation of their work and for an interview. Each finalist will be notified of their status within one week of the presentations as to whether or not they have qualified as finalists. All finalists must appear in person before the Selection Committee. On or before November 1st, a progress report, including photographs and/or other suitable documentation of the work in progress, must be submitted to the Administrative Chairperson. On or before May 1st, a more complete and detailed report must be submitted to the Administrative Chairperson.
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, College 5th Year,
Num Awards: 1
Min Award:
Max Award: 12,000
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
Belin Arts Committee / Waverly Community House, Inc.
P.O. Box 142
Waverly, PA 18471
Contact Person: F. Lammot Belin Arts Scholarship Committee
Phone: 570-586-8191 ext. 2
Fax: 570-586-0185