Research Grant Programs

Scholarship Description

To be eligible to apply for MDA’s Research Grant Programs, an applicant must:  1. Be a professional or faculty member at an appropriate educational,    medical or research institution and be qualified to conduct and     supervise a program of original research;  2. Have access to instititutional resources necessary to conduct the     proposed research project; and   3. Hold a Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science     or equivalent degree.  Proposals from applicants outside the United States will be considered for projects of highest priority to MDA and when, in addition to the applicant’s having met the requirements noted above, one or more of the following conditions exist:  a. The applicant’s country of residence has inadequate sources of     financial support for biomedical research;  b. Collaboration with an MDA-supported U.S. investigator is required     to conduct the reserach;  c. An invitation to submit an application has been extended by MDA.  MDA will consider an application for a research grant from a candidate who may be a member of a research team in the laboratory of a senior investigator under whose guidance the applicant will be given flexibility to conduct a neuromuscular disease research project.  An applicant must:  1. Hold a Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science   or equivalent degree;  2. Be a professional member at an appropriate institution;  3. Be qualified to conduct a program of original research;  4. Have an acceptable research plan; and;  5. Have access to institutional resources necessary to conduct the     proposed research project.

Year of Need:


Num Awards: Varies

Min Award: Notspecified

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-06-15


Sponsoring Organization Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc.
3300 East Sunrise Drive
Tucson, AZ 85718

Contact Person: Grants Manager - Research Department

Phone: 520-529-2000

Fax: 520-529-5454


