Scholarship Description
For U.S. citizens who are African-Americans, Hispanic or Native American students entering their sophomore, junior or senior year of undergraduate study at the time of application. The award is made by the Planning & the Black Community Division of the American Planning Association. A $2,500 scholarship will be awarded to minority student (African-American, Hispanic or Native American) who is studying for a degree in planning or a related field (Public Administration or Environmental Science), and attending a Planning Accredited Board approved college or university.
Year of Need: College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,
Num Awards: Varies
Min Award: 2500
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-05-15
Sponsoring Organization
American Planning Association
122 South Michigan Avenue Suite 1600
Chicago, IL 606036107
Contact Person: Margot Morrison
Phone: 312-431-9100
Fax: 312-431-9985