Scholarship Description
This scholarship is intended to celebrate Virginia Volk’s life and accomplishments in the field of aviation. While Virginia (WAI 218) took her first plane ride at age 8, her next plane ride didn’t come until she was 23 and flying to the FAA’s Training Academy in Oklahoma City to begin her life-long career. While not a pilot, her love of aviation was obvious to all who knew her. Virginia dedicated 30 years of faithful service to the FAA as an air traffic controller. She was an early member of Women in Aviation, International and a founding member of the Capital Region Chapter. Virginia was a member of Professional Women Controllers (PWC) and was named Professional of the Year (1993) and Manager of the Year (1998). She was also a member of Technical Women’s Organization (TWO). Virginia loved aviation and not only went above and beyond in her duties to support the safe growth of our nation’s air transportation system, but also by her championing the professional growth and presence of women in the federal aviation workforce and also by her support of women in all aspects of aviation. In addition, some of Virginia’s most cherished memories and honors came from the children she touched through her aviation education activities and through her work in support of the Combined Federal Campaign, the charitable organization for federal workers. WAI is offering a $1,500 scholarship to a woman who embodies the qualities that Virginia so splendidly exemplified, and who is seeking to further their education and career in aviation. The recipient will be chosen on a basis of merit, aviation career aspirations, dedication, and contributions to their community.
(Scholarship value $1,500)
Submission Requirements:
Applicants must be a member of Women in Aviation, International and may apply for no more than two scholarships. Internships are not included in the two per member scholarship limit. All application materials can be submitted in the same envelope. These requirements are the minimum for all scholarships unless otherwise indicated. Some scholarships may require additional information, please read the description thoroughly to make sure you meet all requirements.
For each scholarship include three stapled (no folders) complete application sets (one original and two copies) of the following information:
Official WAI application form
Two one-page recommendation letters (originals - no photocopies)
Typed, descriptive 500-word essay
Professional résumé
Copies of all aviation and medical certificates and the last three pages of your pilot logbook (if applicable)
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,
Type: Merit Based
Num Awards: 1
Min Award:
Max Award: 1,500
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
Women in Aviation, International
WAI Scholarships 3647 State Route 503 South
West Alexandria, OH 45381
Contact Person: Donna Wallace
Phone: 937-839-4647
Fax: 937-839-4645