Friends of Parsons Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Description

High School, Nonspecific to course of study

Who is Eligible to apply?
Must be a resident of Alfred, Maine who is a graduating senior/completing secondary school

Scholarship amount: $250

How are the scholarships awarded?
Scholarship recipients will be notified in late May. Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the recipient for use towards books or other valuable tools for future learning or work.

Application process:
Applications available in the school guidance office or at the Parsons Memorial Library. Submit application and essay to Parsons Memorial Library, PO Box 1065, Alfred, Maine 04002, or deliver it to the library in a sealed envelope marked: Scholarship Selection Committee.  For more information contact the Parsons Memorial Library 324-2001

When can I apply for this scholarship? Early March.
What is the application deadline? May 1.

Year of Need: College Freshman,


Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award: 250

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Parsons Memorial Library
P.O. Box 1065
Alfred, ME 04002

Contact Person:




