AIST Baltimore Member Chapter Scholarship

Scholarship Description


The objectives of the AIST Baltimore Member Chapter Scholarships are to reward and encourage AIST Baltimore Chapter area high school seniors or currently enrolled undergraduate students preparing for a career in engineering or metallurgy by providing a grant of financial support during full-time attendance at any accredited college or university.


One (1) one-year scholarship, valued at $1,500 will be available each year. The scholarship will be awarded to an AIST Baltimore Chapter area student based on the criteria the Scholarship Award Committee has developed. If there are no applicants in engineering or metallurgy, the award may be given to an eligible student studying other majors relating to iron and steel production.


Students are eligible to compete for the scholarships if, at the time of application, they are the children or grandchildren (natural, step, adopted, or ward), or spouse of a member (two or more years) in good standing, of the AIST Baltimore Member Chapter or a student member of the Material Advantage program. The student must be accepted in an eligible, full-time course of study in the field of engineering at an accredited college or university with a demonstrated interest toward a career in the iron and steel industry. The awards will be made without regard to financial need.


Scholarship applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Award Committee. The Committee consists of a Chair (AIST Baltimore Chapter Member), up to four additional members of the Baltimore Chapter and the Secretary (AIST Baltimore Chapter).

Required Documents

A current resume with work experience and any extracurricular activities, noting any leadership positions.

Two essays (Each 500 words or less):
          a. Describing one accomplishment you have made as a student.
          b. Describing your interest and/or involvement in the steel and iron industry.

Copy of SAT/ACT scores
Copy of current high school or college transcripts

The scholarship must be used at an accredited college or university.
The student must start or be continuing in the course of study, at the college or university, in the fall of the same year the scholarship is awarded.

The AIST Foundation will forward the scholarship stipend, as a lump sum, to the college or university for deposit in the account of the student.

In cases where the student’s studies or admission are delayed or interrupted for any reason, the Secretary (AIST Baltimore Member Chapter) must be advised immediately, and may result in forfeiture.

Students may reapply each year for the term of their college education.

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,


Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award: 1,500

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Association for Iron & Steel Technology
AIST Baltimore Member Chapter Scholarships 206 Alynn Way
Queenstown, MD 21658

Contact Person: Cal Keeney




