The Helen N. & Harold B. Shapira Heart Undergraduate Scholarship

Scholarship Description

The Purpose:
To stimulate interest in the study of heart and blood vessel diseases.

The Scholarship:
Every year one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate. The successful candidate will be eligible for a
renewal of the $1,000 award for a second year provided they maintain satisfactory scholastic progress. Renewals will be
considered in conjunctions with all new applications

Who Is Eligible:
Minnesota Students Only: Undergraduate students currently enrolled in a four year college or university in the State of Minnesota and working in a medically related curriculum with potential application to patients with diseases of the heart and
blood vessel system are eligible. Students can receive no more than two undergraduate scholarships from the American Heart Association.

How the Scholars Are Selected:
Scholars will be chosen on merit by an American Heart Association, Midwest Affiliate Committee of medical and/or scientific

How Candidates Apply:
Candidates must submit the appropriate form and complete all requirements. Applications must be fully completed to receive consideration.

Where to Apply:
For further information and application forms, please visit

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: 1

Min Award:

Max Award: 1,000

Deadline: 2025-04-01


Sponsoring Organization American Heart Association
7272 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75231

Contact Person:

Phone: (952) 278-7903 / 1-800-331-6889



