Gilbert Matching Student Grant Program

Scholarship Description

The Massachusetts Gilbert Matching Student Grant Program (GMSGP) makes funds available to participating Massachusetts’ institutions of higher education and schools of nursing. At least one hundred percent of such funds must be used for direct financial assistance to needy Massachusetts’s undergraduate students to enable them to attend or continue to attend such institutions.

Who Is Eligible?
To be eligible for a Massachusetts Gilbert Grant, a student must:
Be a dependent student who is a permanent legal resident of Massachusetts and whose source of support is a parent who has been a permanent resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the twelve months prior to the opening of the academic year; or an independent student who has been a permanent resident of the Commonwealth for the twelve months immediately preceding the opening of the academic year.
Be a United States citizen or an eligible non citizen.
Not have earned a bachelor’s or professional degree or their equivalent.
Not be in default of a Federal or state education loan or owe a refund on any previously received financial aid.
Demonstrate financial aid need according to program guidelines.
Be maintaining satisfactory academic progress according to institutional and Federal standards.
Be in compliance with applicable laws regarding Selective Service Registration.
Be enrolled full-time.
Not have earned a first diploma from a hospital or professional nursing program.

Eligible Institutions
An eligible institution shall mean an institution of higher education in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts which:
Admits as regular students only persons having a certificate of graduation from a school providing secondary education or the recognized equivalent of such a certification, and
Is legally authorized within the Commonwealth to provide a program of post-secondary education, and
Provides an education for which it awards an associate or bachelors degree and is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, or
Provides an education which results in an award of a diploma indicating satisfactory completion of a hospital school or professional nursing program which is accredited by the National League of Nursing, and is approved by the State Board of Registration in Nursing
Is not a public institution of higher education operated by the Commonwealth or its subdivisions and does not derive the major portion of its annual budget from state or local appropriations, and
Does not have as its primary purpose education for religious purposes.

What Awards Are Available?
Massachusetts Gilbert Grant awards range from $200 to $2500 per academic year.

How Do I Apply?
Contact your financial aid office for application requirements and deadlines. You may also call the Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistance at (617) 391-6070 for additional information.

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,

Type: Needs Based

Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award: 200

Max Award: 2,500

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistance 
454 Broadway, Suite 200 
Revere, MA 02151 

Contact Person:

Phone: (617) 391-6070 

Fax: (617) 727-0667 


