The Bufton Family Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Description

Field of Study: Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics

Amount of Scholarship: $6500

Scholarship Guidelines:

Scholarship is for a one-time issuance and is not renewable.
Checks are issued to the educational institution and the recipient.
Funds are to be used for tuition, books and fees only, any unused funds shall be returned.

Candidate Eligibility Requirements
Are you a female U.S. citizen?
Will you be at least a college sophomore in August?
Are you attending an accredited U.S. university or college in August?
Do you currently maintain a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale?
Are you studying in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics?

  Your application will be completed online and will include the following:

Complete the online application.
Complete the biographical sketch.
Three (3) professional letters of reference should be uploaded to the website - word doc or pdf are accepted.
Enter the names of the schools sending the official transcripts.
Applicant must submit the official transcripts to: SBMEF, 9820 Metcalf Ave, Ste 110, Overland Park KS 66212
Each step must be completed fully and in sequence to proceed.

Year of Need: College Sophomore,


Num Awards: 1

Min Award:

Max Award: 6,500

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Stephen Bufton Memorial Educational Fund
c/o American Business Women's Association 9820 Metcalf Ave, Ste 110
Overland Park, KS 66212

Contact Person:

Phone: 800-228-0007 



