Winner's Circle

Scholarship Description

The Winner’s Circle Scholarship Program is designed to encourage and support veterinary students intending to enter equine veterinary medicine, to reward leadership and participation in Student Chapters of the AAEP (SCAAEP) and to help offset the escalating cost of veterinary education and minimize debt load at graduation by providing financial aid to students in their 4th year of veterinary school.

These scholarships will benefit deserving students through partnership between the AAEP Foundation and The Race For Education, along with support from Platinum Performance. The goal of this program is to award one scholarship per year to a deserving student at each of the 36 Colleges of Veterinary Medicine throughout North America and the West Indies that sponsors a national chapter of SCAAEP.*

To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must:

• be a national AAEP student member and active within their school’s AAEP chapter;
• currently attend a college of veterinary medicine;
• apply during their 3rd year (7-9th semesters) for funding during their 4th year of veterinary curriculum.

*All scholarships are $1500 unless recipient qualifies for the Assets for Independence (AFI) federal grant program available through The Race For Education. If student meets federal guidelines and completes the grant program, the student receives the Winner’s Circle $1000 scholarship in the Fall term then saves $500 as part of the grant program and receives an additional $4000 in grant funding for their spring term. Extensive information about the program is provided after recipients receive notification of selection committee’s decisions in April. The AFI program is not open to Canadian or West Indies students.

Year of Need: College Senior,

Type: Needs Based

Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award: 1,500

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization The Race for Education
1818 Versailles Road
Lexington, KY 40504

Contact Person:

Phone: (859) 252-8648

Fax: (859) 252-8030


