Scholarship Description
Before completing a scholarship application, a potential applicant should consider the following eligibility requirements:
• Applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
• Applicant is currently enrolled in an undergraduate program that will continue into the coming academic year, has been admitted to an undergraduate program for the coming academic year, or has applied for admission to begin undergraduate study.
• Applicant is currently pursuing or will pursue a degree in family and consumer sciences or related specialized programs at the undergraduate level and is (or will be) enrolled for the academic year and is making satisfactory progress.
• Applicant does meet or is willing to meet the specific requirements of the scholarship.
A $5,000 scholarship and up to $1,000 of support for one year of AAFCS membership and participation in the AAFCS Annual Conference will be awarded to no more than one (1) qualified undergraduate student pursuing a degree in family and consumer sciences.
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,
Num Awards: 1
Min Award:
Max Award: 5,000
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
400 N. Columbus Street, Suite 202
Alexandria, VA 22314
Contact Person:
Phone: 703-706-4600
Fax: 703-706-4663