Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing

Scholarship Description

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing is a scholarship program to help alleviate the nursing shortage and increase the diversity of nursing professionals. Through grants to schools of nursing, the program provides scholarships to college graduates without nursing degrees who are enrolled in accelerated baccalaureate and master’s nursing programs.

This program has a two-fold purpose: to increase the numbers of nurses and to address diversity among nursing professionals. Given the need to increase the numbers of nurses, successful applicant organizations must demonstrate that additional resources will be used to leverage internal and external resources to expand their professional nursing programs.
RWJF is committed to programs that embrace diversity across multiple dimensions, including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability,  religion and socioeconomic status. Accordingly, applications should address the applicant organization’s past achievements, as well as future plans to recruit, retain and sustain a diverse student body, including how funds will be used to:
assist in recruitment of scholarship candidates for the Accelerated Nursing Degree Program from groups underrepresented in nursing or persons who are economically disadvantaged; and
implement mentorship and leadership development activities for scholarship recipients at the award site.

Schools receiving funding will be responsible for selecting students for scholarships who:
are from groups underrepresented in nursing or who are economically disadvantaged as defined herein;
are U.S. citizens or permanent residents;
have been accepted in an Accelerated Nursing Degree Program;
complete a letter of commitment to the NCIN program; and
are committed to pursuing professional nursing licensure through the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®).
Applicants must apply directly to schools of nursing, not through AACN.

Year of Need: 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad, 3rd Year Grad, Beyond 3rd Year Grad,


Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Robert Wood Foundation New Careers in Nursing


Contact Person:

Phone: 202-463-6930, ext. 265

Fax: 202-785-8320


