Scholarship Description
Scholarships are offered to individuals and families affected by a bleeding disorder. It is the Foundation’s goal that those living with bleeding disorders have access to educational opportunities that will enhance their lives and prepare them to become self sufficient and productive members of the work force.
The College Bound Scholarship was created as an opportunity for youth ages 11-17 to attend college bound preparatory classes. It is GLHF’s hope that these enrichment courses will help to prepare students for the college experience and in turn succeed in their selected program and career path. An example of an eligible class would be a College for Kids or a Teens Program at a University. If you have a class in your community that you are interested in attending and need assistance with the fee, please contact Karin Koppen at 414.937.6782 for more information.
Year of Need: High school senior, High school freshman, High school sophomore, High school junior, 8th Grade,
Num Awards: Multiple
Min Award:
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation
638 North 18th Street, Suite 108
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Contact Person:
Phone: 414-937-6782 / 888-797-4543