Nellie Martin Carman Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Description

How to Apply
1. General Regulations

Each appointment for a Carman Scholarship is for one academic or school year in any university or college in the State of Washington.

The total amount awarded to any one full-time scholar during any single year will be fixed on an individual basis by the Carman Scholarship Committee, but shall not exceed $2,000. Although each appointment is for one academic year, it may be renewed from year to year until completion of a four-year course of study, on maintenance of a 3.0 average, or equivalent.

A Carman Scholarship is tenable only for a course of study having, as its major subject, courses other than music, sculpture, painting, drawing, interior decorating or domestic science.

2. Conditions of Eligibility

A Carman Scholarship applicant must:

(a) be a graduate of a public high school in King, Snohomish or Pierce County in the year of the appointment; and
(b) be an American citizen.
(c) be enrolled in a college or university in the state of Washington on a full-time basis.

3. Method of Selection

Each public high school in King, Snohomish and Pierce County may nominate one candidate from the senior class. (If senior class enrollment exceeds 400, two candidates may be nominated.) Application blanks are sent to the high schools in January of each year.

4. Procedure for Submitting the Application

The application must include:

a. Pages 1-6 of the application. (Obtainable through your high school scholarship counselor.)
b. One letter of recommendation.
c. Small photograph.
d. Completion of the essay.
e. Copy of applicant’s FAFSA form (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and SAR (Student Aid Report), when available, or a copy of most recent IRS Income Tax Return 1040 from the person claiming applicant as a dependent.
f. Official grade transcript.

Year of Need: College Freshman,

Type: Needs Based

Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award: 2,000

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Nellie Martin Carman Scholarship Fund
P.O. Box 60052
Shoreline, WA 98160-0052

Contact Person:




