High School Minority Scholarship

Scholarship Description

The Ohio Newspapers Foundation will award a $1,500 scholarship to a minority high school senior in Ohio who plans to pursue a newspaper journalism career.Eligibility   * Applicant must be a graduating senior at an Ohio high school. Awardee must be enrolled as college freshman at an Ohio college or university for the school year.  * A minimum high school grade point average of 2.5 (C+) is required. The student’s high school transcripts must accompany the application.  * Applicants must be African American, Hispanic, Asian American or American Indian.  * Application form must be typed or printed legibly by the applicant. (The application form on the reverse side may be photocopied).  * Students must demonstrate the ability to write clearly in an autobiography of 750 to 1,000 words describing academic and career interests, awards, extracurricular activities and any journalism-related activities.  * Applications must be accompanied by two letters of recommendation from high school faculty members familiar with the student’s work and career interests.  * Students may provide additional information such as samples or articles that have been published (limit to two, please).

Year of Need: College Freshman,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: 1

Min Award: 1500

Max Award: 1500

Deadline: 2025-03-31


Sponsoring Organization The Ohio Newspapers Foundation
1335 Dublin Road, Suite 216-B
Columbus, OH 43215

Contact Person: Ann Riggs, ONA receptionist and secretary

Phone: 614-486-6677



