AISES Google Travel Scholarship

Scholarship Description

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA - Applicants MUST meet all of the following criteria:  1. Must have a 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA).  2. Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited four year college/university, or a full- time student at a two year college enrolled in a program leading to an academic degree.  3. Majoring in one of the following college disciplines at a accredited 4-year college or university:      * Computer Science       * Computer Engineering         *Other majors will be considered if it is evident that the applicant demonstrates a strong academic course of study that includes a high volume of computer science related courses and/or computer science related research.  4. Must be a member of an American Indian tribe, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian or otherwise considered to be an American Indian by the tribe with which affiliation is claimed; or is at least 1/4 American Indian blood; or is at least 1/4 Alaskan Native; or considered to be an Alaskan Native by an Alaskan Native group to which affiliation is claimed.  5. Must be a member of AISES. To obtain an AISES membership go to

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards:

Min Award:

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization American Indian Science and Engineering Society
2305 Renard SE, Suite 200
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Contact Person:

Phone: 505-765-1052

Fax: 505-765-5608


