Program of Mathematics Study & Active Professionalism Grants for Grades PreK-6 Teachers

Scholarship Description

The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support for teachers seeking to improve their understanding and appreciation of mathematics by completing course work in school mathematics content and pedagogy working toward an advanced degree, and taking an active professional approach toward teaching mathematics. The proposal may outline a study plan for a one-year, a two-year, or a three-year program.  The plan may take several forms, such as a multi-year sequence of summer(s) and evening course work, institutes, graduate programs in mathematics education, or leaves of absence.  A program grant with a maximum total of $24,000 will be awarded to a person currently teaching mathematics for at least 3 years, and teaching at least 50% of the time in classroom(s) at the grades PreK-6 level.Proposals must address the rationale for the coursework and professional activity, and the expected impact on teaching and student learning. The grant will advance funds to cover tuition, books, and other direct costs. The balance of the funds will be issued as a stipend upon submission of receipts and of an official transcript that demonstrates successful completion of the proposed mathematics course work. The intent of the balance of the grant is to provide funds so that the grantee can have the time to concentrate on this course work and professional activity.  The grant may reimburse professional dues, conference attendance, childcare and such expenses pertinent to the proposed program.The applicant must be a current Full Individual or E-Member of NCTM or must teach at a school with a current NCTM PreK–8 school membership. The applicant must be presently teaching mathematics in grades PreK-6 and intend to continue teaching in the next school year. No person(s) may receive more than one award administered by the Mathematics Education Trust in the same academic year. Past recipients of this grant are not eligible to reapply.

Year of Need: 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad, 3rd Year Grad,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award: 24000

Deadline: 2025-05-06


Sponsoring Organization National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
1906 Association Drive
Reston, VA 20191-1502

Contact Person:

Phone: (800) 235-7566 or (703) 620-9840 ext 2112

Fax: (703) 476-2970


Email: /
