Scholarship Description
NCRF is proud to offer the Frank Sarli Memorial Scholarship annually. This scholarship goes to one deserving, qualified, NCRA student member at an NCRA-certified program.Students who are currently enrolled at NCRA–certified programs and the meet the criteria below are eligible. Only one nomination from each NCRA-certified program is accepted. Criteria for the Frank Sarli Memorial Scholarship: 1. The nominee must be a current NCRA student member. 2. The nominee must be enrolled in an NCRA-certified court reporting program. 3. The nominee must have passed at least one of the court reporting program’s Q & A tests at a minimum of 200 words per minute. 4. The nominee must have a grade point average of at least a 3.5 overall, based on a 4.0 standard. 5. The nominee must have a demonstrated need for financial assistance. 6. Nominees must possess all the qualities exemplified by a professional court reporter, including professional attitude, demeanor, dress and motivation. 7. All criteria must be confirmed and verified by the submitting court reporting program.
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore,
Type: Needs Based
Num Awards: 1
Min Award:
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
National Court Reporters Association
8224 Old Courthouse Road
Vienna, VA 22182-3808
Contact Person:
Phone: 800-272-6272 (toll free) / 703-556-6272 (local)
Fax: 703-556-6291