Scholarship Description
At present, the Foundation considers only applicants who reside in six western Illinois counties, although they may attend any accredited institution within the United States.Scholarship grants are renewable annually for the balance of the additional years of a four-year college educational program, so long as the recipient is maintaining satisfactory process toward obtaining his or her degree or diploma.Scholarships may be awarded to students in either junior or senior colleges, or to students with no degree who attend diploma schools of nursing. Consideration may also be given to students who attend accredited vocational schools.The policy of annual grant renewal means that only about one fourth of the funds disbursed by the Foundation each year is available to new applicants.Generally, less than 300 applicants for new scholarships will receive grants
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,
Num Awards: Multiple
Min Award:
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-05-31
Sponsoring Organization
The Edward Arthur Mellinger Educational Foundation, Inc.
1025 East Broadway
Monmouth, IL 61462
Contact Person:
Phone: (309) 734-2419
Fax: (309) 734-4435