The Institute for Humane Studies Fellowships

Scholarship Description

Application Requirements/Description:The Institute for Humane Studies awards scholarships up to $12,000 for undergraduate or graduate study in the United States or abroad. Last year IHS awarded more than 90 scholarships to outstanding undergraduates, graduate students, law students, and professional students who are interested in the classical liberal tradition.Applications will be considered from those who:• will be full-time graduate students,or undergraduate students with junior or senior standing,• have a clearly demonstrated interest in the classical liberal/libertarian tradition of individual rights and market economies,and• are interested in applying the principles of this tradition in their work.Humane Studies Fellowships, begun in 1983 as Claude R.Lambe Fellowships,are awarded by the Institute for Humane Studies to support the work of outstanding students interested in the classical liberal/libertarian tradition.The core principles of this tradition include the recognition of individual rights and the dignity and worth of each individual;protection of these rights through the institutions of private property,contract,and the rule of law,and through freely evolved intermediary institutions;and voluntarism in all human relations,including the unhampered market mechanism in economic affairs and the goals of free trade,free migration,and peace.Awards are based on:• academic or professional performance,• relevance of one ’ work to the advancement of a free society,and• potential for success.

Year of Need: College Junior, College Senior, 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award: 12000

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University
3301 N. Fairfax Dr., Ste. 440
Arlington, VA 22201

Contact Person:

Phone: 703-993-4880 | 800-697-8799

Fax: 703-993-4890


