Scholarship Description
Five $200 scholarships open to residents of Muskingum County attending a college, university or trade school. Graduating seniors and college students at all levels may apply. Consideration given to financial need, extracurricular activities, communityservice and submitted essay. Applicants must submit proof of current GPA and three letters of reference.
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,
Type: Needs Based
Num Awards: 5
Min Award: 200
Max Award: 200
Deadline: 2025-04-15
Sponsoring Organization
Muskingum County Community Foundation
534 Putnam Avenue
Zanesville, OH 43701
Contact Person: Or contact:\nElliott Educational Endowment\nZanesville Business and Professional Women\nP.O. Box 695\nZanesville, OH 43702-0695
Phone: (740) 453-5192
Fax: (740) 453-5734