Scholarship Description
$1,000 awarded to a Muskingum County resident with a physical and/or sensory disability. Consideration is given to need, academics, work experience, activities and essays. Deadline for applications is the 3rd Friday of March and the winner isannounced in April.
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,
Type: Needs Based
Num Awards: 1
Min Award: 1000
Max Award: 1000
Deadline: 2025-07-03
Sponsoring Organization
Muskingum County Community Foundation
534 Putnam Avenue
Zanesville, OH 43701
Contact Person: Or you may contact:\nHigh School Guidance Office OR\nThe Carr Center\n1035 Beverly Avenue\nZanesville, OH 43701 (740) 453-5417
Phone: (740) 453-5192
Fax: (740) 453-5734