Scholarship Description
(1 or more scholarships, approximately $1,068 maximum.)Established in memory of sisters Sarah and Emma by family, friends, and community.Eligibility: For students from the Marshfield area. Scholarships may be awarded in one of three categories: 1) Tuition for students with financial need enrolling in beginning dance classes; 2) Fees or tuition for older or more advanced students to attend dance camps or other dance instruction or performance opportunities; 3) Post-secondary scholarships for students with an expressed intention of pursuing dance in some form (performing, teaching, studying.)Application: Applications are available from the MarshfieldArea Community Foundation. A special scholarship committeewill review applications.Deadline: Open-ended. Inquire at the MACF office to determineif scholarship funds are currently available.
Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,
Type: Needs Based
Num Awards: 1 or More
Min Award:
Max Award: 1068
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
Marshfield Area Community Foundation
P.O. Box 456
Marshfield, WI 54449
Contact Person: Amber Kiggens-Leifheit, Executive Director
Phone: 715-384-9029
Fax: 715-384-9029
Email: /