Scholarship Description
The Steven G. King Play Environments Scholarship was created by Steven G. King, FASLA, founder and Chairman of Landscape Structures Inc., and the inventor of the “continuous play” concept. Mr. King developed the continuous play concept as part of his final project in landscape architecture in 1967, and it revolutionized the playground industry. This concept launched a new industry that included the development of modular composite play structures to encourage connected or continuous play opportunities. This concept is still utilized in nearly every community playground installed today.Eligible applicants include landscape architecture students with a demonstrated interest and aptitude in the design of play environments who are enrolled in graduate or the final two years of undergraduate study in LAAB accredited schools.The purpose of the Scholarship is to recognize a student who has high potential in the design of play environments. This student must show an interest in the value of integrating playgrounds into parks, schools and other play environments and understand the significant social and educational value of play. Key qualities in the student receiving the Scholarship are creativity, openness to innovation, and a demonstrated interest in park and playground planning.Requirements:In addition to the General Submission Guidelines this fellowship requires the following: * A 300 to 500 word maximum essay describing the applicant’s views of the significant social and educational value of play and the value of integrating playgrounds into play and recreation environments. * A plan and details of a play environment of the applicant’s design in either jpg or PDF format. * Two letters of recommendation from current professors familiar with the applicant’s demonstrated interest in park and playground planning, creativity and openness to innovation.
Year of Need: College Junior, College Senior, 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad,
Type: Merit Based
Num Awards: 1
Min Award: 5000
Max Award: 5000
Deadline: 2025-02-16
Sponsoring Organization
Landscape Architecture Foundation
818 18th Street NW, Suite 810
Washington, DC 20006
Contact Person:
Phone: 202-331-7070
Fax: 202-331-7079