ASEV Scholarship Program

Scholarship Description

The American Society for Enology and Viticulture annually awards numerous scholarships to students pursuing a degree in enology, viticulture, or in a curriculum emphasizing a science basic to the wine and grape industry. The awards are not in predetermined amounts and may vary from year to year. All scholarship recommendations made by the Scholarship Committee are subject to final approval by the Board of Directors. The Society does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, religion, gender, or physical/mental disabilities. The Society has no affiliation with the University of California or other institutions that may also offer scholarship programs. Previous applicants and recipients are eligible to reapply each year in open competition with new applicants. The ASEV reserves the right not to award scholarships at all in any given year. Eligibility: All of the following requirements must be met: 1. Undergraduate and graduate students must be enrolled in or accepted into a full-time accredited four year college or university program. They must reside in North America (Canada, Mexico or USA). Applicants should be a minimum of junior status for the upcoming academic year (45 semester units/60 quarter units). 2. Undergraduate students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Graduate students must have a minimum overall grade point average of 3.2. These averages must be based on a scale maximum of 4.0.  3. Applicants must be enrolled in a major, or in a graduate group, emphasizing enology or viticulture, or in a curriculum emphasizing a science basic to the wine and grape industry.  4. Completed application packets must be received by March 1.

Year of Need: College Junior, College Senior, 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad,


Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization American Society for Enology and Viticulture
ASEV Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 1855
Davis, CA 95617-1855

Contact Person:

Phone: (530) 753-3142

Fax: (530) 753-3318


