JASNA Essay Contest

Scholarship Description

To foster the study and appreciation of Jane Austen, JASNA conducts an annual student Essay Contest, with support generously provided by the Sonia Raiziss Giop Charitable Foundation.Students interested in the life and works of Jane Austen are encouraged to enter. The Essay Contest is open to students world-wide at the high school, college/university, and post-graduate levels of study. Entrants do not need to be members of JASNA. Students must be enrolled full-time or part-time in coursework during one or more semesters/quarters of the contest year. Home-schooled students at the high school level are also eligible. Part-time is defined for the college/university level as a minimum of six credit hours and for the post-graduate level as a minimum of three credit hours.Contest Rules   1. Entries must be submitted with the official Essay Contest entry form.  2. The student must complete the entry form, which includes a stipulation that the essay is the student’s original work and has not been published elsewhere.  3. Entries may include a statement about the student’s mentor; however, a mentor statement is not required.#  Mail the entry to:  Marsha Huff   Suite 3600   777 E. Wisconsin Avenue   Milwaukee, WI 53202   Note: Essays and CDs cannot be returned.

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: 3

Min Award:

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-05-15


Sponsoring Organization The Jane Austen Society of North America, Inc.


Contact Person: Lynn Sherick




