The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Scholarships

Scholarship Description

Scholarships are granted for use by students enrolled full or part-time (at least three courses) in two- and four-year colleges and universities.  Student must be a resident of the Pacific Southwest Chapter Area (San Diego, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria or Palm Springs). Students should intend to pursue a career in telecommunications and related fields.  Although we are looking for students who are good scholars, evidence of creative achievement is even more important.Materials to be submitted with the Application:A. One of the following:1. A film or video production on which you were the principal writer, director, producer, principal actor or similar major creative role.2. A concept or treatment for a production.3. A script you have written for any type of film or video, along with a brief statement of the type of show and your aims for the film/video.4. A treatment, script or storyboard for a 30-second television Public Service Announcement B. A short statement of your education/experience in telecommunications and your career goals. C. Brief description of your submissionD. Special circumstances (financial or personal) – anything you would like the judges to know regarding your application.  E. An official copy of your transcript through the most recent semester or quarter. F. Letters of recommendation from at least two teachers or faculty members who have had the opportunity to oversee your work and aptitude.

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-03-01


Sponsoring Organization NATAS-Pacific Southwest Chapter
P.O. Box 80255
San Diego, CA 92138-0255

Contact Person:

Phone: 858-674-4469



