World Affairs Council of Northern California

Scholarship Description

Program Length   * Summer   * Fall Semester   * School Year (summer departure)Eligibility:  * The World Affairs Council of Northern California is pleased to offer up to three scholarships $4000 (for summer programs) or $4300 (for semester and academic year programs) to local high school students to study abroad through the Youth for Understanding program. Programs available are any YFU semester, year or summer program listed with a departure date in the summer or fall.  Scholarship winners are responsible for the remaining balance of the tuition costs (please see individual country pages for program availability and tuition information).  * Open to high school students in Northern California. Students must hold a 3.0 grade point average or better on a 4.0 scale. No prior foreign language study is required, except for French-speaking Belgium, Chile, France, Spain, Switzerland, and Venezuela. Only Summer and Fall Semester programs are available for Japan due to departure dates. Select students will be required to attend an interview at the World Affairs headquarters in San Francisco.Age Requirements   * Applicant’s birth date must fall between September 1, 1991, and July 15, 1995. Application Fee   * $75 (non-refundable) Please make check payable to YFU. Complete Application Includes:Please refer to page 2 of the application packet for a complete checklist.  * 1 American Overseas Application Form, including:  * 1 Educator Evaluation Form   * Host Family Letter   * 5 Responses to Short Answer Essay Questions   * Application Fee (non-refundable)  * 1 Activity or Work Supervisor’s Evaluation Form   * One Scholarship Specific Essay (See Below)  * Students must be available for an all day interview at the World Affairs Council headquarters, 312 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA. Scholarship Covers:  * Round-trip international travel   * Round-trip domestic travel   * Placement with a carefully selected host family   * Regional orientation for scholarship recipients and parents   * Preparatory materials   * Support services in host countryScholarship Recipients are Responsible for:  * Passport   * Visa fees (if necessary)  * Any excess luggage tariffs   * Required overseas medical insurance (many insurance policies will cover students while traveling abroad)  * Personal spending money.  * A one-page reflection on their experiences abroad for the World Affairs Council.  * Thank You letters to scholarship contributors.  * Upon returning home, scholarship winners are expected to complete at least one presentation in their school or community to share their experiences, teach others about the culture in their host country, and encourage other students to participate in foreign exchange.  * Tuition balance not covered by scholarship, due two weeks after award notification.NOTE:  * All applicants will be notified by mail of their status in April.Scholarship-specific Essay:Please submit an essay answering the following question with your completed application. The World Affairs Council’s Schools Program engages high school and university students to develop the international leaders and global citizens of tomorrow. In an essay of no more than 500 words, explain why you are interested in the country(s) you chose.

Year of Need: High school senior, College Freshman,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: 3

Min Award: 4000

Max Award: 4300

Deadline: 2025-02-01


Sponsoring Organization Youth For Understanding USA
6400 Goldsboro Road Suite 100
Bethesda, MD 20817

Contact Person:

Phone: 240-235-2100

Fax: 240-235-2104


