IBEW Local Union #697 Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Description

All IBEW members that have unmarried dependent children living at home, age 25 or under, are eligible to submit their children’s names into the scholarship pool for a college scholarship grant. The amount and number of grants will be determined each year by the Executive Board of the I.B.E.W. (Scholarship Committee) at the first Executive Board Meeting in January of each year. Historically it has been $1,000.Eligibility will be determined by either the Lake County Indiana N.E.C.A. – I.B.E.W. Health and Welfare Plan or a copy of a current tax return indicating the child is a dependent. Step children are eligible providing they meet either of the above requirements.To be eligible for a full time scholarship grant the student must have at least 12 registered hours in the school of his or her choice. Your tuition bill is used for verification of enrollment and credit hours.The Scholarship is advertised in the June newsletter and applications are available at the Union office. The scholarship recipients will be chosen by a drawing at the July Union Meeting held on the third Monday.

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award: 1000

Max Award: 1000

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Legacy Foundation
1000 East 80th Place, 302 South
Merrillville, IN 46410

Contact Person: Kim Bernstein

Phone: 219-736-1880

Fax: 219-736-1940


