Marian Kincaid Warns and Carl A. Warns, Jr. Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Description

This scholarship was established by Dr. Marian Kincaid Warns to provide grants to help defray the law school expenses of students currently enrolled at the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville who have completed at least one year of full-time coursework or its equivalent. Eligibility: To be eligible, applicants must demonstrate financial need and have attained at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average in all courses pertaining to labor and employment law. Preference may be given to applicants who either: (1) demonstrate an intention to pursue a career in labor and employment law; or (2) despite a physical disability (i.e., loss of vision, hearing or mobility impairment, etc.) is pursuing a career in law. Grant awards are dependent upon funds available. This scholarship is not renewable. Award Amount: Funds Available Contact: Gail Sanders, Operations and Compliance Manager, The Community Foundation of Louisville, (502) 585-4649 X1025; [email protected]; e-mail is preferred Giving primarily in Louisville and Jefferson County, KY.

Year of Need: 2nd Year Grad, 3rd Year Grad, Beyond 3rd Year Grad,

Type: Needs Based

Num Awards: 1

Min Award: Varies

Max Award: Varies

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization The Community Foundation of Louisville
Waterfront Plaza, 325 W. Main Street, Suite 1110
Louisville, KY 40202-4251

Contact Person:

Phone: Telephone: (502) 585-4649

Fax: Fax: (502) 587-7484"


Email: OR
