Ornithology Scholarships

Scholarship Description

The Society also awards Ornithology Scholarships for a week of study in ornithology at the Audubon summer workshop in Maine. All together, about ten scholarships are awarded, although choice of camps varies year by year.Scholarship recipients must work with young people. Teachers, camp counselors, park rangers, students, and others who intend to make nature education a part of their careers are eligible. Applicants need not be members of MOS, but must be endorsed by a chapter or a member of MOS.Each candidate must be 18 years of age or older and must provide a written statement showing how the Audubon experience will be used to develop in young people an appreciation of our wild heritage and a sense of responsibility for the care and quality of our natural resources and environment. Additionally, two letters of recommendation from individuals who know of the candidate’s interests, activities, abilities, and potential are requested. One of these letters should be from either a member of MOS or a chapter of MOS. It is helpful if letters cite specific programs or accomplishments of the candidate, in addition to personal qualities. Applicants should also submit a current resume.

Applications which pair a student and adult from
the same school or county are especially
To Submit Application:
Email to George Radcliffe at
[email protected]
Or mail to:
YMOS c/o George M. Radcliffe
1663 Hudson Rd
Cambridge, MD 21613

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad,


Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization The Maryland Ornithological Society

Baltimore, MD

Contact Person:

Phone: 800-823-0050



Email: /
