Scholarship Description
We will be offering a limited number of competitive scholarships based on academic merit and financial need for current and former dancers who have received the maximum amount from the Caroline H. Newhouse Scholarship Fund and are pursuing graduate degrees in fields other than performance dance. The Osato Scholarship will be limited to a one-time grant of up to $5,000 to any one individual, paying for tuition and fees only. It is anticipated that the endowment will generate funds sufficient to award a grant to a minimum of two applicants annually. Award checks will be made out to the institution. Awards will not be granted retroactively (e.g. not be used to reimburse dancers for tuition already paid, for loans or other credit debt.) To be eligible to apply for a Sono Osato Scholarship applicants must: Have received the maximum allowed amount from the Newhouse Scholarship Fund. Have achieved a minimum 3.5 GPA for an undergraduate or graduate degree, or recent pre-requisite coursework. Be studying or planning to study at the graduate level for a degree in one of the approved areas, such as professional degrees (law and medicine), the medical arts (nursing, physicians assistant, physical therapy, etc.), the helping professions (social work, counseling, psychology, creative arts therapies, etc.), physical and social sciences, education, business and the humanities. Previous recipients of a Gasparinetti Scholarship award are not eligible to apply for an Osato Scholarship.
Year of Need: 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad, 3rd Year Grad, Beyond 3rd Year Grad,
Type: Needs Based
Num Awards: 2
Min Award: 5000
Max Award: 5000
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
Career Transition For Dancers c/o C&T Newhouse Ctr. for Dancers
"165 W. 46th St., Ste. 701"
New York, NY 10036-2501
Contact Person: Contact: Ann Barry, Grants Administrator
Phone: Telephone: (212) 764-0172, ext. 224
Fax: Fax: (212) 764-0343"