SpecPro Scholarship

Scholarship Description

SpecPro Scholarship at $10,000 per year & potentially renewable for up to 4 _ years. The foundation awards college and vocational scholarships to Alaska Native shareholders of Bristol Bay Native Corporation. Established to provide an opportunity for higher education and career development and to encourage interest in careers relevant to SpecPro company technical and management fields. Eligibility Requirements: *BBNC shareholder *entering freshman enrolled at an accredited college or university *full time/degree seeking student with an engineering, environmental, marketing, management, information technology, life science or other appropriate field of study *cumulative 3.0 grade point average or better.

Year of Need: College Freshman,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: 1

Min Award: 10000

Max Award: 10000

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Bristol Bay Native Corporation Education Foundation
111 W. 16th Ave., Ste. 400
Anchorage, AK 99501

Contact Person: Contact: Luanne Pelagio, Exec. Dir.

Phone: Telephone: (907) 278-3602

Fax: Fax: (907) 276-3924"


