The Joan Heller-Diane Bernard Fellowship in Lesbian and Gay Studies

Scholarship Description

This fellowship supports research by a junior scholar (graduate student, untenured university professor or independent researcher) or senior scholar (tenured university professor or advanced independent scholar) into the impact of lesbians and/or gay men on U.S.society and culture. It is open to researchers both inside and outside the academy and is adjudicated by the Joan Heller- Diane Bernard Fellowship committee in conjunction with CLAGS. The winner may be asked to participate in CLAGSs colloquium series the following academic year to present her/his research project. Scholars conducting research on lesbians are especially encouraged to apply. Award: Two awards each in the amount of $5,000

Year of Need: 3rd Year Grad, Beyond 3rd Year Grad,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: 2

Min Award: 5000

Max Award: 5000

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Graduate Theological Union
2400 Ridge Road
Berkeley, CA 94709

Contact Person:


Fax: 510-649-1730


Email: , \n
