Scholarship Description
Grants are available from the Hale Donation in varying amounts. Preference will be given to those preparing for the ministry in the United Church of Christ and those from Tolland County, Connecticut. The financial need of the students is given top priority in the review process. Recipients who do not receive a degree will be expected to repay funds. First Congregational Church Post Office Box 355 Coventry, CT 06238 Phone: (860) 742-5689)
Year of Need: 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad,
Type: Needs Based
Num Awards: Multiple
Min Award: Varies
Max Award: Varies
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
Graduate Theological Union
2400 Ridge Road
Berkeley, CA 94709
Contact Person:
Fax: 510-649-1730
Email: ,