John Bessemer Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Description

PURPOSE OF AWARD: To recognize outstanding lesbian, bisexual, transgender and gay youth from the community for their involvement in the gay community and society at large. To encourage post-secondary education of lesbian, bisexual, transgender and gay persons. To promote a positive image of lesbian, bisexual, transgender and gay persons in society. ELIGIBILITY: Be a lesbian, bisexual, transgender and gay undergraduate or graduate student. Restricted to permanent San Diego County student residents. Submit an application with four (4) copies of all materials. TERMS: Award is valid for one (1) academic year. Awardee is expected to be full-time student. The scholarship is not necessarily continuous. APPLICATIONS available from The Center, The Youth Center, school counselors,, ONLINE APPLICATION (.PDF format) You may request information from: Olivia Dorman, Scholarship Chair PFLAG/SAN DIEGO 9341 Carmichael Drive, La Mesa, CA 91941 619.469.1924 or [email protected]. SUBMIT 4 copies of the entire application to Olivia Dorman at the above address. No email applications will be considered.

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, College 5th Year, 1st Year Grad, 2nd Year Grad,


Num Awards: 1

Min Award: 1000

Max Award: 1000

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) - San Diego
PFLAG San Diego, P.O. Box 82762
San Diego, CA 92138

Contact Person:

Phone: Phone: (619) 579-7640



